
Privacy Policy
pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 13, of the EU Regulation 27 April 2016 n. 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation cd. “GDPR”) relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data as well as the free circulation of such data
This document (hereinafter “Privacy Policy“) provides information on the processing of personal data collected by Prof. Andrea Cusumano (hereinafter the “Data Controller“) through this website (hereinafter the “Site”) and therefore constitutes information to those interested in pursuant to current legislation and the provisions of art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data (hereinafter “GDPR“).
Prof. Cusumano pays particular attention to the protection of privacy and wants those who visit the site to feel safe, both during simple navigation and in case they decide to provide them with personal data to take advantage of specific services. or functionality.
1. Identification details of the Data Controller
The Data Controller is Prof. Andrea Cusumano, with a studio in Rome, Via Donatello n. 37
2. Contact details of the Data Controller
The Data Controller can be contacted at the e-mail address
3. Legal Basis and Purpose of Processing
Any personal data provided by the user will be processed when he interacts with the functions of the Site, including navigation data, or requests to use the services offered on the Site (booking visits / tests, requests for information through the contact forms , sending opinions etc.), as well as the data collected through cookies as specified in the cookie policy.
The legal basis that justifies the processing of data is represented by the explicit consent of the interested party. With the user’s consent, the Data Controller may process the user’s personal data to allow the use of services and features present on the Site and to optimize its functioning, to perform statistics on visits, to manage requests and reports received through the Site, pursuant to art. 6.1. (A) of the GDPR.
In particular, by entering a comment or other information in the message area, the user agrees that the contents entered are freely disseminated to third parties.
The Data Controller may also process the user’s personal data to fulfill obligations deriving from laws, regulations, community legislation: the legal basis of the processing for this purpose is art. 6.1. (C) GDPR.
For security purposes (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection), the automatically recorded data may possibly also include personal data such as the IP address, which could be used, in accordance with applicable laws, in order to block attempts to damage the site itself or to cause damage to other users, or in any case harmful activities or constituting a crime. These data are used only for the protection of the site and its users, such information will be treated on the basis of the legitimate interests of the owner.
If necessary, the data may also then be used in the face of the Data Controller’s legitimate interest in carrying out defensive activities or asserting or defending a right in court.
4. Mandatory or optional nature of providing data and consequences of a refusal to provide it
The forms to be filled in on this Site provide for the indication of both data that are strictly necessary to manage communications and user requests, marked with the symbol [*], the failure of which does not allow to follow up on the requests themselves, and optional conferment data that are not strictly necessary to follow up on the requests of the interested parties. Failure to provide the latter will not entail any consequences. It is also possible to withdraw consent at any time.
5. Method of treatment
The processing of personal data takes place using automated and non-automated tools, with logic strictly related to the purposes of the processing.
In particular, the Data Controller undertakes to guarantee the logical and physical security of the data and, in general, the confidentiality of the personal data processed, putting in place all the necessary technical and organizational measures adequate to guarantee their security.
We also specify that in processing such data we will strictly adhere to the limits and conditions imposed by current legislation as well as by the conditions imposed by the Privacy Guarantor. In fact, the processing takes place in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data, through the adoption of the measures provided for by article 32 of the GDPR in order to preserve the integrity of the data processed and prevent access to the same by unauthorized subjects.
6. Retention period of personal data
The personal data collected for the purposes referred to in this information will be processed and stored for the period of time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes actually pursued and, in any case, the criterion used to determine the retention period is based on compliance with the terms permitted by applicable laws and by the principles of minimization of processing, limitation of conservation and rational management of archives.
7. Scope of communication and dissemination of data
The personal data you provide may be made accessible to employees and / or collaborators of the Data Controller, in their capacity as appointees and / or managers of data processing and / or system administrators in the context of their duties and / or assignments.
The message service is set up in such a way that some of the data released are published together with the message, therefore any dissemination of data referring to the same or to third parties in the case detectable by the messages posted is attributed to the user’s initiative, so we invite you to pay attention to the content of what is reported before publishing it.
Furthermore, the data can be communicated to:
(i) professionals, third parties and / or suppliers that the Data Controller uses for the provision of services of a commercial, professional and technical nature, functional to the management of the Site and related functions (e.g. IT service providers and Cloud Computing) , to the pursuit of the aforementioned purposes and to the services requested by the user;
(ii) Judicial or supervisory authorities, administrations, public bodies and bodies (national and foreign), if this is necessary to fulfill legal obligations or to follow up on requests made by them as well as for the prosecution of crimes and for the safeguarding from public safety threats.
In any case, your personal data will not be disseminated.
8. Place of processing
The data received will be stored in automated and / or paper databases and archives at the Data Controller’s office and / or in automated and / or paper databases and archives at data centers of professionals and / or companies appointed as external data processing and storage managers. on behalf of the Data Controller for the purposes indicated in this information.
9. Navigation Data
The processing of personal data of users who only visit the Site (i.e. without sending communications or using any of the services / functions available) is limited to navigation data, i.e. those for which transmission to the Site is necessary for the functioning of the IT systems. in charge of managing the Site and Internet communication protocols. This category includes, for example, the IP addresses or the domain of the computer used to visit the Site and other parameters relating to the operating system used by the user to connect to the Site. The collection of these and other data (such as, for example, the number of visits and the time spent on the Site) takes place only for statistical purposes and anonymously in order to check the functioning of the Site and improve its functionality. This is information that is not collected to be associated with other information about users and to identify the latter; however, such information by their very nature may allow the identification of users through processing and association with data held by third parties. The navigation data are normally deleted after processing anonymously but may be stored and used to ascertain and identify the perpetrators of any computer crimes committed against the Site or through the Site. Save this eventuality and what is specified in the Cookie Policy section, the navigation data described above are stored only temporarily in compliance with the applicable legislation.
Cookies are used by websites to recognize users within a work session. As indicated by the provisions of the Privacy Guarantor, they are “small text files” – made up of letters and numbers – “that the sites visited by the user send to his terminal (usually to the browser), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user “.
Cookies are safe, they can only store the information that is entered by the browser, relating to access in the browser itself or that is included in the requested page. They cannot be transformed into codes and cannot be used to access the user’s computer. If a website encrypts the information in the cookie, only the website can read the information.
For more information on the use of cookies, please read the relevant information.
10. Rights referred to in the GDPR
The users to whom the personal data refer can always contact the Data Controller identified above to assert their rights as provided for by the European Regulation and in particular they will be able to exercise the right (i) to access their Personal Data (and to know about it). the origin, purposes and purposes of the processing, the data of the subjects to whom they are communicated, the data retention period or the criteria useful to determine it), (ii) to request their rectification and / or cancellation (“oblivion “), If no longer necessary, incomplete, erroneous or collected in violation of the law, (iii) to request that the processing be limited to a part of the information concerning them; (iv) to the extent that it is technically possible, to receive in a structured format or to transmit to third parties indicated by the user the information concerning him (so-called “portability” of the information voluntarily provided); (v) as well as to withdraw their consent at any time, in the event that this constitutes the basis of the processing without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out up to that moment.
Each user also has the right to object, in the cases provided for by law, to the processing of their personal data, as well as to lodge complaints with the competent Guarantor Authority.
For any request relating to the processing of personal data by the Data Controller, to exercise the rights recognized by the applicable legislation, as well as to know the updated list of the subjects to whom the data are accessible, the user can contact the Data Controller at the e-mail address electronic